• Copyright © 2012 - 2024 - Mary Kay Elloian, M.B.A., J.D., Esq.
    The Legal Edition® is a Registered Trademark of Mary Kay Elloian, Esq. All Rights Reserved.

Blind to Betrayal: Breaking the Silence of Trauma & Abuse

Dr. Jennifer J. Freyd, author of Blind to Betrayal and researcher of psychological techniques used by abusers to subjugate their victims. From the abuses of the Catholic Church clergy on young children to the family and the workplace – doctor Freyd exposes the horrors of abuse, the coping mechanisms of those abused, and the methodologies that can be employed by society, by families and litigators to help bring these predators to justice and make them accountable. A riveting discussion on the ‘art of betrayal’ and the way that society, businesses and even the nation – can help heal the oppressed through employing ‘Institutional Courage.’

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“Roundup” – Is it Ready for Another Trial?…The Monsanto Herbicide Cases

Discussion on the multi-million jury awards to those who developed Non-Hodgkins lymphoma where causal evidence suggests that the regular use of the herbicide “Roundup” caused these victims to develop the fatal disease. Many of the cases are under appeal, but damning evidence surfaced during trial indicating the original manufacturer, Monsanto knew of the dangers and hid it from the public. Bayer Corporation now owns what was formerly Monsanto and is embroiled in litigation to try to overturn many of the jury awards awarded to dying patients. A nightmare for those given the devastating diagnosis, and a public relations nightmare for the company as well.
Guest: Dr. Stephanie. She is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. Her Research Includes Analysis and Synthesis of Empirical Data from Government, Public & Private Resources including: Chemical, Molecular, & Atomic Properties—to Assess the Potential for Synergistic Effect upon Human Health.

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Parallels in Patriotism: Educating One Generation of America at a Time – History of Immigration to the US

Discussion on the history of immigration to the US and the often unwelcoming American sentiment towards immigrants. From the Chinese Exclusion Act of the latter 19th Century, the mistreatment of Jewish immigrants in the early 20th Century – to the Muslim Ban took in the 21st Century. Why American looks with suspicion and intolerance on other races, religions and ethnicities that look to immigrate to America – and why the Crisis at the US Southern Border is not much different than earlier immigrants coming to the US fleeing violence, persecution, intolerance, and hunger. From Ellis Island to the US Southern Border – the history of migration makes its 21st Century appearance with the same prejudices that have challenged previous immigrants of years past.

Guest: Adam Strom, Director of Re-Imagining Migration, an education project working with a team of experts from UCLA and Harvard Graduate School of Education. The focus of their work is to bring history and understanding of past immigration–and its current day analogs to classrooms and educational leaders across the globe. He is the former Director of Scholarship and Innovation at Facing History and Ourselves, an organization dedicated to helping educators, schools and communities learn about ethics, social responsibility and justice. He has written extensively on issues including: George Washington’s Rebuke to Bigotry; Stories of Identify & Religion; American’s Civil Rights Movement; Crimes Against Humanity and Civilizations–including the Jewish Holocaust, and the Armenian Genocide.

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Corporate Personhood: How Big Business, Money & Politics is Hijacking the Constitution (Extended Edition)

Discussion on how big money is eroding politics – and how corporate lobbying and the Congressional revolving door to lobbying is setting the stage to erode democracy even faster and more completely than ever before.

With the US Supreme Court 2010 ruling in Citizens United – equating money as speech – corporations are now poised to usurp the rights of individual citizens. Hear the facts that lead to today. Understand what needs to be done to save democracy, by learning what the founders envisioned – a government by and for the “people” – real people – not corporations masquerading as people.

How big money is changing the paradigm that big tobacco set in motion decades ago. See the parallels of “corporate personhood” then and now – and how the ruling in “Citizens United” equating money as speech – provides fodder for those who wish to subvert the Constitution for their own financial gain. Hear the facts leading up to today, to understand what needs to be done to restore democracy to what the founders envisioned.

Questions to be discussed: “How can corporations be considered “real” people?” “Do corporations share the same concerns as individuals?” “Are corporations using their newfound rights for the good of the ‘people’ or just themselves?”

If you are asking these questions, you are not alone, and you won’t want to miss: Corporate Personhood: How Big Business, Big Money & Politics is Hijacking the Constitution.

Guest: Attorney Shanna Cleveland – Former Sr. Counsel at ‘Free Speech for People’ an organization devoted to renewing our democracy.

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The Common Good Nation – A Nation Defined by Agreement

Guest: Dr. Terry Mollner, PhD. He is the Co-Founder of the Calvert Social Investment Funds–the first family of investment funds focusing on social responsibility; he is also an active & vocal Board Member of Ben & Jerry’s–helping to negotiate a buyout with international conglomerate Unilever–a successful negotiation that would not only leave the social mission of Ben & Jerry’s intact, but so successful, that it would be adopted by Unilever worldwide. Dr. Mollner is the author of numerous books on promoting the ‘Common Good’, social justice, cooperation by agreement, and working to ‘reverse’ the traditional bottom-line of profits over people.

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