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Update-HR 4432: Congressional Sub-Committee Hearing Held on GMO Food Labeling–Nothing More Than Pandering Session for FDA & GMO Manufacturers–a Feel-Good Pander Party to Keep the Status Quo by Keeping You in the “DARK”

Dec. 14, 2014 – Just when you hoped that Washington would finally do something right–they did it again! Not only was the subcommittee hearing held on Dec. 12, 2014 a farce, it mainly was a feel good jam session about how good it is to live in the age of biotechnology when Monsanto and giant agri-tech’s can whip you up a batch of GMO’s–fill your belly, and put a smile on your face. In fact, that is exactly what the bill’s proponents, U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) and co-sponsor, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R.-TN) did. They made their case to those in attendance on how undeniably great GMO’s really are: a case made of ALL “Pomp” & “Great” under every “Circumstance!

Grandma’s Garden Made Her an Expert

To tout their belief, Blackburn called on her great grandmother’s love of the garden and hers of horticulture–reflecting back on times that were so fondly remembered for the pride they took in gardening-reminiscing about all the skill and hard work it took to make their garden’s grow. It was clear she was trying to establish herself as an expert because her grandma loved the garden, and she so much loved horticulture.

But alas, GMO’s are much more than a weekend garden or a love affair with pretty flowers–it’s about food safety, nutrition, and healthy living. Yet, in her statements to those in the chamber, Ms. Blackburn reflected upon the days of grandma’s harvest and the uncertainty that traditional breeding would bring. Then she told those who were engaged by her newly poised agricultural acumen, that, “We Eat with our Eyes” and stated to the effect, if it looks good it is good. Pompeo took a more direct approach, name-calling any one who would believe that GMO’s could be harmful by shaming them into submission–that’s just what he did in the last 5 minutes of the hearing.

Dog & Pony Safety Show on GMO Labeling

To put it mildly, both Pompeo and Blackburn put on an elaborate dog and pony show–but in the end failed to make or elicit any cogent argument why labeling GMO’s would be a bad idea. Even if anyone in attendance was even partially observing, they would notice the gaping hole in the testimony, that there was not even one scientist present that could testify that GMO’s are harmful or unsafe. It was like these scientists didn’t exist–even through their research proves that they do. I guess they just weren’t invited to testify. Why would you invite a guest to speak about something you don’t approve–especially when you are hosting the party…?

If GMO’s Are So Good…Why Hide the Facts & the Scientists?

The truth is those with knowledge of the facts–the many ‘uninvited’ scientists were by default, relegated to absentia. The reality, the American public has been abandoned by their lawmakers–left to peruse the scientific literature themselves, left alone to ascertain the truth–as well as the depth of deception to which our Congress people would stoop. In that hearing room, that depth of deception and contempt for those who question the efficacy of GMO’s was decisively palpable; giving countries around the globe who regularly reject American GM goods–good reason to do so.

The reality, farmers in India had massive crop failures of newly planted GMO’s. Their yields were greatly depressed, and their animals got sick and died from eating their own harvest; no one told the story of how many farmers in India were devastated by their harvest, the loss of their animals, and their livelihood. No one reported how many committed suicide.

Remarkably, none of these facts were ever mentioned by any of the Senators or Invitees. If anyone bothered to look, they would see the giant Agribusiness had sold Indian farmers a bill of goods–which ruined their lives and their livelihoods. Why isn’t anyone talking about that? And what about national security–why would other countries want to harm America?

Perhaps its because American corporations dupe them into buying tainted goods that can ruin their health, kill their livestock, and threaten their way of life. When corporations act like unbridled sociopaths–it makes it very hard, if not impossible for America to rise up above the fray. I guess that’s another reason why so many nations despise us.

Nevertheless, lobbying in America by big-agribusiness has taken its toll on small independent farmers in the US as well. At the same time, it has fattened the pockets and inflated the egos of those in Congress who champion it–and the CEO’s who conspire to propagate it–while destroying the health of Americans and others who unknowingly consume it.

Conglomerates & CEO’s Are Hijacking America’s Food Supply

Together with their unfettered discretion, these conglomerates and CEO’s have hijacked our American food supply and have destined those who are unaware to lives of food-induced illness and disease–to which they will later call on big pharma with hopes to make them well. In all, a perpetual supply of biotech products and tainted food to make us sick and keep us there. For those with no conscience, this is the most profitable business model of all–to have captured customers who will perpetually keep the cycle of money flowing into the corporate coffers–of the same corporations that are responsible for making them sick.

In all, the most depraved, yet profitable form of capitalism and free market enterprise I have ever seen. But before we go too far, we must first convince ourselves that the biotech GMO’s are safe, nutritious and healthy to eat. Then comes their first witness, Michael J. Landa, Director of Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the FDA. But he wasn’t an MD or a PhD. In fact he wasn’t even a doctor. He was introduced as Mr. Landa. So why is his testimony important?

Shouldn’t the Director of Food Safety Be a Doctor, Not a Lawyer?

What no one ever said was that Mr. Landa was a J.D. — that’s right–he’s an attorney. In fact, he’s the long-tenured attorney behind the FDA and its policies. But Rep. Pompeo didn’t want you to know, so he didn’t mention it, nor did Mr. Landa. One might ask, how much do lawyers usually know about science? Well I can tell you it’s not a prerequisite for admission to law school. Yet, with Pompeo’s pomp & circumstance we are deluged into believing the man on the ‘hot seat’ would have the credentials of a Senior Scientist at the FDA. Yet quite the contrary is true.

To the uninformed observer, Mr. Landa’s appearance at the helm of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFSAN), would invoke the belief that he is their top expert on food safety and nutrition. Yet this is not the case. He was their lawyer, and now he’s their Director–which explains why he never fully answered questions posed to him. Yet, Rep. Pompeo pandered Landa to the gaze of wide-eyed onlookers as if he was a tenured scientist with highest FDA credentials. Of course, no mention in almost 3 hours of testimony that related to Mr. Landa’s former positions at the FDA. Nor did any of the Congressional Sub-Committee documents and hearing video on the Congressional website even refer to the FDA Director as being its long-tenured attorney.

Nevertheless, Pompeo continued the ingratiation of the FDA Lawyer & Director by thanking him for his 30 years of tenured service–ingratiating him as if he had done multiple tours of duty. In fact, the 30 year Food Safety Pseudo-Veteran indicated he may soon retire–that is from his decades long Food Safety Tours in the Boardroom. Needless to say, no one gave testimony that Mr. Landa was a lawyer, and not a scientist when he gave his professional opinion about GMO safety. And they certainly failed to disclose that Mr. Landa was a shareholder in an international law firm and partner in another. I don’t know about you, but I’d feel a whole lot safer if reputable scientists told me my food was safe–not a lawyer that has worked in the agency he now directs, has ties to law firms whose corporate clients may cause him a conflict of interest–and certainly not one who indicates he is ready to cash in his retirement within the next year or so. Check out the facts yourself. http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/ucm193988.htm

Contempt for Appearances: Sub-Committee Didn’t Even Try to Make Hearing Look Fair…

Lastly, I was aghast that no one on the Sub-Committee even bothered to make the Hearing look unbiased. Not even one scientist with a conflicting view was called to testify. If asked to do so, there is no doubt that scientists would line up to posit conflicting long term studies that the FDA never saw, and Monsanto never did. Because Mr. Landa told us the GMO review process is Voluntary–not Mandatory, and it appears everyone from the FDA to the GMO purveyors like it that way–and want to keep it as such. And of course, any reviews conducted by the FDA is only to shield the GMO makers from further liability–as the GMO industry can certainly claim that the FDA conducted the final review and deemed their products safe. In fact, the whole hearing was so much of a sham, that at the end, Pompeo couldn’t even believe it himself. During the last 5 minutes of the approximately 3 hour hearing, Pompeo asks the panel that testified to answer only ‘Yes or No’ if they believe GMO’s are safe. Astonishingly, everyone said YES! It was as if it were choreographed. In fact, Pompeo even commented that it is extremely rare to ever get a unanimous vote on anything before the Committee–but again, no one bothered to invite anyone who could scientifically refute the testimony of the PRO GMO crowd. In essence, the outcome was priceless–is was the best sham hearing that money could buy–and that they did!

And as for the plight of the GMO’s–the recommended response by industry and those we vote to represent the “will of the people” just say, “suck it up people”… stop whining as Pompeo said, GMO’s are good for you. And if Congressman Pompeo said so…it’s got to be true…Right?!


To see the Pompeo Hearing, here is the link: http://energycommerce.house.gov/hearing/examining-fdas-role-regulation-genetically-modified-food-ingredients#video

Stand up–Tell Congress you DEMAND to know what’s in your food: http://www.capwiz.com/ota/issues/alert/?alertid=63992076&type=TA

Copyright 2014, Mary Kay Elloian, Esq. All Rights Reserved.