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Litigating Ivermectin for Treatment of COVID-19 – What the FDA, CDC & Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You…

November 27, 2021 – Front Line COVID Critical-Care Doctors (FLCCC) have been online with webinars,  telling the world that Ivermectin is successfully being used around the world to combat COVID-19. These doctors have testified before Congress – sharing their experience in successfully treating the disease – but Congress has failed to act upon the information they were provided over one year ago.

Now however, this is about to change, as one of the doctors, Dr. Paul Marik is bringing a lawsuit, and if successful, it will allow him, and potentially other front-line doctors to use in their words “life-saving measures” to bring their “successful” treatment protocol to those battling the deadly disease. These front-line doctors have created a protocol that the have used to save patients, yet hospitals in the US have been stopping them and other doctors from administering their I-Mask+ protocol for Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment for prevention and their Math+ Hospital Treatment Protocol. The doctors even they have testimonials of survivors, and documentary evidence of their recovery after administration of their protocols. In effect, they have documented the lives they have saved. According to these doctors, countries around the world have used their protocol and have vouched for the effectiveness of their Ivermectin protocol to treat those seriously ill with COVID. Their protocols can be found here.

So if doctors have the evidence to prove the utility of Ivermectin and their protocol, and have first-hand knowledge as to its effectiveness, especially if provided early in a treatment protocol, then why isn’t it mainstream? According to FLCCC doctors, it is because ‘BigPharma’ has its interest in high-cost protocols, especially one mainstream drug for COVID: Remdesivir that costs $3,120 – and in their words, is ineffective.

According to the FLCCC doctors, the main therapeutic in their protocol is “human-grade” Ivermectin. The doctors have stated that the drug has displayed anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, making it very effective against COVID-19, while costing just pennies to administer. The reason it is so inexpensive, is that its patent has “expired” and like many drugs, can be used “off-label,” that is “repurposed” from its original treatment use – in this case used to treat COVID-19. According to the FLCCC doctors, using an existing safe drug in an “off-label” manner, is a routine practice, and therefore hospitals should allow its use in hospitalized COVID patients, and especially those who request it. Despite the data presented to Congress, the FDA and CDC do not endorse it’s use. Moreover, the FDA and mainstream media create confusion by telling the public Ivermectin is an “animal drug” when in fact it has been used for a variety of human illnesses around the world since the 1970’s. The inventor of the drug even won a Nobel prize, for its development, as the drug has saved many lives for its original purposes: as an anti-malaria, and anti-parasitic drug, often referred to as a “wonder drug.

Because FLCCC doctors have documented their successful use of Ivermectin using their protocols, families are hiring attorneys, petitioning courts to allow their loved-ones access to what they believe to be a life-saving treatment. Courts have granted use of Ivermectin as a COVID treatment in many of the lawsuits, a few courts have not. Now the Circuit Court of Virginia will be be weighing in as to why one of the lead front-line FLCCC doctors, Dr. Paul Marik, has been prevented from the hospital in which he works, from using his medical skill and judgment to treat sick and hospitalized COVID patients, many who will have no alternative treatment offered by the hospital that will save their lives. Dr. Marik hopes that his lawsuit will make it easier for doctors to take charge of their patients, all of whom took the Hippocratic Oath to make medical decisions that save lives. It is the doctor’s position that hospitals should not be intervening in the doctor patient relationship or dictate what medicines a doctor can use to treat his/her patient.

To learn more about the I-Mask+ protocol for Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment,  and the Math+ Hospital Treatment Protocol, visit the FLCCC website.

Note: This information is not medical advice, and is provided only as general information. It is not to be relied upon, or construed as personalized medical, professional, or legal advice. Consult your own practitioner as to your individual medical and professional needs.