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Corporate Personhood: How Big Business, Money & Politics is Hijacking the Constitution (Extended Edition)

Discussion on how big money is eroding politics – and how corporate lobbying and the Congressional revolving door to lobbying is setting the stage to erode democracy even faster and more completely than ever before.

With the US Supreme Court 2010 ruling in Citizens United – equating money as speech – corporations are now poised to usurp the rights of individual citizens. Hear the facts that lead to today. Understand what needs to be done to save democracy, by learning what the founders envisioned – a government by and for the “people” – real people – not corporations masquerading as people.

How big money is changing the paradigm that big tobacco set in motion decades ago. See the parallels of “corporate personhood” then and now – and how the ruling in “Citizens United” equating money as speech – provides fodder for those who wish to subvert the Constitution for their own financial gain. Hear the facts leading up to today, to understand what needs to be done to restore democracy to what the founders envisioned.

Questions to be discussed: “How can corporations be considered “real” people?” “Do corporations share the same concerns as individuals?” “Are corporations using their newfound rights for the good of the ‘people’ or just themselves?”

If you are asking these questions, you are not alone, and you won’t want to miss: Corporate Personhood: How Big Business, Big Money & Politics is Hijacking the Constitution.

Guest: Attorney Shanna Cleveland – Former Sr. Counsel at ‘Free Speech for People’ an organization devoted to renewing our democracy.

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