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Takers, Makers and the 47% – New Age Entrepreneurs ‘Not’ Couch Potatoes as 53% of ‘Alleged’ Non-Takers Theorize

November 29, 2014 – How many times has it been said in presidential campaigns that 47% of the public are just takers. Well, turns out, they got their numbers wrong! That’s according to Harvard Business School Professor and Economist, Dr. Gareth Olds. Through his research, Dr. Olds has found that many of the oft quoted stereotypes are blatantly untrue. Using US governmental data, Dr. Olds has parsed the numbers to determine the real statistic which he describes to include entrepreneurial talent that had been overlooked in the media pronouncements that 47% add nothing back to society–but only take from it.

In fact, in his evidence-based research, he uncovered factual data, indicating that many social entrepreneurs actually start their businesses because the government is there to catch them in the “governmental safety net” when, or if they should fall. Many do fail their first or subsequent attempt to create a viable business–a business to employ themselves and others. But many try again until it works out. This research will certainly give a second look to the often quoted sound bites of rich politicians lumping all those receiving some sort of governmental assistance as purely takers.

In fact, Professor Olds is really describing the financial elite who have elevated their social standing either by making financially sound choices or by inheriting their wealth from previous generations or both. What Dr. Olds points out, is that people of all social strata can rise to the top if given a chance, and given a boost. As we all know, not all Americans are born with silver spoons, but sometimes with the right breaks and right opportunities and skill sets, people can break new bounds and rise up to achieve new financial milestones. This means that the American dream is still alive, although it appeared to be on life support for many a decade-this new research shows it has just been resuscitated.

To learn more about these new social entrepreneurs making money and creating jobs for others in the workforce see our program: ‘Takers, Makers and the 47%’ only on: TheLegalEdition.com