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Treason by Any Other Name…is Still Treason

July 20, 2018 – For those who have only read about treason in the story-books, we have a real-life event going on that may scholars believe is unprecedented in our nation’s history. That is where a sitting president’s closest advisors have close affiliations with high-ranking members of a foreign adversary–here Russia. And where American intelligence agencies–all of them–stated it happened with unparalleled confidence–we must as a people conclude that it did in fact happen. Nevertheless, media outlets, Congress and the President himself cower upon being asked about Russia. Inquiring minds have to ask, Why? Not only has Congress been complicit with this newly elected president, they choose to cherry pick the facts and makes up lies they masquerade as “alternative” facts–which by definition cannot be facts. Wake up America! You cannot allow one person and his henchmen to rip the fabric of the United States apart–and tout with impunity that he will wield the “pardon power” of the presidency to absolve those who do his sordid bidding. The fact that he will not condemn Russia for hacking the 2016 election speaks volumes about allegiance.

Nevertheless, once elected, we see a series of events to elucidate that Trump was “assisted” by a number of follies that made his opposition candidate look like a worse choice: FBI investigation of her email server, which turned out not only to be “nothing” but to which the intelligence community has now proven that when Trump stated that he “hoped” that Russia was listening to find Hillary Clinton’s “30,000 missing” emails–and that it was done so by Russia on that very same day as requested!

For those who believe in coincidences–most people and statisticians do not–this is not pure chance. So, if the electorate want a “president” who cheated his way all the way to the presidency–he’s the guy for you. If you want someone who didn’t–he’s not.

Not only will the Mueller investigation bring these issues to light–it will give us a glimpse inside what is still a democracy. It may, help to repair our status with our allies who see the US as a bunch of “hoodwinked” fools to put someone in office who is ripping the fabric or American values apart. Only time will tell, but the electorate must remain vigilant, weigh the facts, and make informed conclusions based upon facts, not spin. Time to stop regurgitating what your favorite news channel has to say–listen, weigh the facts, and make a conclusion based upon ALL the facts. Party affiliation should in no way be a determining factor for “any” patriotic American who truly loves this nation.