Crisis at the Border – Migrants, Motherhood & Medical Care

Crisis at the Border - Migrants, Motherhood & Medical Care

Professor and Women's Rights Advocate, Denice Labertew, discusses the crisis at the southern border - issues facing women and girls fleeing poverty and abuse - some mothers, some just children themselves. From the time of the Trump administration separation of children from parents, the unwanted medical intervention, sexual assault, rape and sexual harassment by US agents of women in detention, and accounts of forced sterilization of migrant women, to even the withholding of sanitary materials - these reported acts have been met with outrage by the international community. Although much of this occurred under the Trump administration, Labertew brings forth the issues that transcend administrations.

Discussion on the Violence Against Women Act, and other legislative acts that give guidance to how detainees need and should be treated. Cases litigated on behalf of those asserting civil rights violations also discussed.

International Treaties & Human Rights - Humane Treatment of Migrants

How the US has not been party to International Treaties - causing the International Community to believe that the US has engaged in Civil Rights abuses of migrants who are seeking asylum for a variety of urgent like-threatening reasons. As a former envoy to India by the US State Department, Labertew discusses the urgency of the situation and the need to empower Women and Girls. As an 'input' contributor to UN International on issues affecting the most vulnerable, her insights strike at the core of what are base human needs and the humanity that is needed to recognize it. In addition to teaching at California Sate University, Northbridge - CSUN - she is a consultant for women's empowerment, Women Lead Network.

To learn more, Read our companion Article on the US Migration & Immigration issues right Here.

Additional programming on Human Migration - History of US Immigration, watch - Parallels in Patriotism: Educating One Generation of America at a Time, with Historian/Educator, Adam Strom.

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