Digital Dilemmas in Public Education: Privacy, iPads & ICE

Discussion on how school issued iPads & technology can spy on your children at home and at school; and how signing release forms school can have repercussions far beyond your anticipation. Guest: Dr. Meira Levinson, Harvard Graduate School of Education, in an 'extended interview' here.
Discussion on Dilemmas in Education, such as using school-supplied iPads which can be used by school personnel to spy on children while at home, and how parents unwittingly give up their child's privacy rights just by signing school forms. What are the parameters of privacy in the digital age? Can ICE use a child's digital footprint to find and deport families? These are questions discussed in this compelling segment that every parent should watch. Also see Dr. Levinson on The Legal Edition in: 'Public Education in America: Under Control or Under Siege,' released last year, and the upcoming program: 'Polarization in Education: Teaching Democratic Values in a Trump-Era Democracy.'

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