Show Topic: Gerrymandering: Where to Draw the Line… How Partisan Gerrymandering is Used to Discriminate & Disenfranchise–Weaponized to Dilute the Vote & Keep the Incumbent Party in Power

How It All Began...

How vote dilution began, why it has remained, and how or will the US Supreme Court curb the out-of-control, partisan-entrenched gerrymandering when new cases come before it.

How gerrymandering–drawing voting district to weaponize discrimination is the heart of gerrymandering. The not so subtle and “calculated” redistricting voting districts across America  is nothing less is a "subtle" means to "weaponize" discrimination against minority voters.

Marginalizing Communities and Keeping the Status Quo

By marginalizing blocks of voters–usually black & brown communities – those in power can stay in power. This is accomplished by "redistricting' in a discriminatory way by “packing and cracking” districts to dilute the overall party vote.

Gerrymandering is about keeping the status quo, keeping minority voters out of the voting booths, and disenfranchising those who try to exercise that right. The purpose: is to make it harder to vote, and dissuading minority citizens from voting, and if they do, making so their vote won't really count to change the desired outcome.

The Power Behind Vote Dilution & Disenfranchisement

This process of ‘vote dilution’ is not only invidious - it has the power to undo democratic values of representative government – and antithetical to having multi-racial and inclusive voting.

Exploration of election practices: how our nation can reverse the effect of gerrymandering that has so openly fragmented our state and national elections. It is axiomatic that no one should disenfranchise voters or dilute the “one person – one vote” requirement of the democratic election process. The discussion centers on constitutional issues surrounding the use of of gerrymandering by state legislatures–with the purpose & effect of keeping the incumbent party in power. The result undoubtedly influences the outcomes of each states’ federal congressional elections, as well influence party representation within the state itself. There will be a review of current US Supreme Court cases presently under review. A riveting discussion on what is required to truly have a representative government - a true Democracy.

Guest: Daniel Breen, PhD, JD -  lectures on the issues at the intersection of American History and the law at Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Specific interests: presidential historical topics of the American democracy - including the historical practices of preventing women and minorities from having a vote - and ultimately a voice in representative government. Denying a vote - is literally - to deny a voice and is antithetical to 15th and 19th Constitutional Amendments and the Voting Rights Act prescripts - one person one vote - no impediments to vote are allowed under the law.

#gerrymandering #VoteDilution #disenfranchisement