Sexual Assault, Recent Judgments & #MeToo – Is America Moving Closer to Equal Rights for All?

Attorney Wendy Murphy discusses her role as a Women's Rights Advocate, helping abused and sexually assaulted women navigate through the justice system. How oftentimes fighting for justice and fair treatment can be illusive, and all too often, the results can be devastating for victims of violence and rape--unless there is a women's rights advocate at their side to help them through the challenges.

Justice and the Judicial System for Sexual Assault Survivors

How the 'good ole boys' network has tried to keep the status quo, and excuse those who do wrong at the expense of the victim. How judges we expect to dispense impartial justice, often do nothing of the sort--many times letting dangerous criminals go free.

Attorney Murphy discusses how she has successfully advocated for changes in sexual assault and rape laws across the nation - both inside the courtroom, and outside in the court of public opinion. She also discusses the danger in rolling-back the rules on how sexual assault and rape are reported and handled on campus. Rules put in place under the Trump administration by his then Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. Those changes made it more difficult for sexual assault victims on college campuses to come forward - even when they actually want to do so. Those rules gave their alleged attacker more rights than the victim.

Topics include: Civil Rights, Title IX - Sex-Based Discrimination in Education, Ratification the ERA-Equal Rights Amendment, & the #MeToo Movement.

Attorney Murphy is the Author of the book "And Justice for Some - An Expose′ of the Lawyers & Judges Who Let Dangerous Criminals Go Free."

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