“The Altered States of America: the Psychological Effects of Donald Trump”

Guest:  Dr. Seth D. Norrholm, PhD is the Scientific Director, Neuroscience Center for Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma (NeuroCAST), Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan.

Discussion on the psychopathologies - the 'altered states' displayed by Donald Trump as the 44th President of the United States. How the Trump administration is having lasting effects on the psyches of the American people. How lying to mislead people that everything is false, and only he is to be believed - when he regularly lied to the American people.

How sowing distrust leads to disastrous consequences we most Americans saw with horror, with his lies of a fraudulent election,  culminating in pseudo-militia storming the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

When a person in the position of a president, routinely provides false information to the public, he is abusing his position of public trust - putting All Americans in peril. Whether its about diseases that can kill the American people, the election, sowing distrust and discord among members of  political parties - providing false information will routinely lead to disastrous consequences.

Comparative discussion on how cult leaders manipulate their followers, often denigrating one group and pitting one against the other - entails cunning manipulation. How manipulators assess their audience to deliver the message that will garner the most attention - and worst of all, what can be gleaned from a Commander in Chief denigrating Military men and women - calling them “losers and suckers?”

And why would people still support or vote for a man that lies to them about everything - including the lethality of COVID? Why would a president, receiving regular intelligence briefings by experts - lie to the American people, telling them it will " just go away" - while simultaneously telling the well-known author, Bob Woodward that COVID is “the plague?” How could a person holding the highest office of 'public trust' continue to hold rallies where Americans - including his own people can and did get sick and die from COVID - including the former Presidential Candidate who died shortly after attending his rally, Herman Cain. How and why do people “still” like and "support" him? Listen and learn some of the answers  from Neuroscientist, Dr. Seth Norrholm.

Dr. Norrholm is a 'translational neuroscientist' with over 20 years of research experience in furthering the understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms underlying fear, anxiety, trauma, and stressor-related disorders and the psychiatric conditions with which these disorders are found. He has trained in both the “classical” bench-based neurosciences as well as within clinical arenas dedicated to the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. Together with a network of collaborators, Dr. Norrholm has employed objective, psychophysiological methods to study the underpinnings of mammalian fear processing as well as the mechanisms mediating effective treatments for fear and anxiety. Dr. Norrholm is a recognized world leader in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Fear.


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